Passengers & Visitors
Arrivals & Departures
- Flights
- Carbon offset
- Check-in
- Baggage
- Security checks
Access & Parking
- Access
- Parking
- Parking French side
- Parking Swiss side
Restaurants, Shops & Services
- Bars and restaurants
- Shops and Duty Free
- Services
- Espace événements Luminator
Useful information
- Passenger information
- Authorities
- Official information
- Discover our region
- Contact
- People with reduced mobility
Arrivals & Departures
Business & Partners
Flight operations
- General information
- Aircraft Operations
- General information
- Public procurement
Valorisation du patrimoine
- Informations générales
- Publicité
Security & Safety
- Security
- Airside driving authorisation training
- Demande de titre de circulation accompagnée
- Sécurité
Flight operations
- About us
- Media
- Jobs
- Key Projects
- Legal information
- Air traffic and the environment
- Mouvements
- Nuisances sonores
- Autres domaines environnementaux
Online tools
- TraVis (trajectoires de vol et mesures du bruit actuelles)
- TraVis (aktuelle Flugspuren und Lärmmessungen)
- TraVis (current flight tracks and noise measurements)
- WebReporting (statistiques de bruit et mouvements d'avions)
- WebReporting (Statistiken zu Lärm und Flugbewegungen)
- WebReporting (statistics on noise and aircraft movements)