Airside driving training at Basel-Mulhouse Airport
Modalities for obtaining an airside traffic authorisation
In order to walk or drive a vehicle within airside areas of Basel-Mulhouse Airport, you must have a suitable traffic authorisation.
After completion of the appropriate training by the airport employee, the traffic authorisation, which is valid for two years, is issued by the EuroAirport staff in charge.
Depending on the individual requirements, several trainings are available:
• Ramp Safety (or Airport Safety) for unaccompanied pedestrians on the airside: this training is conducted entirely via e-learning;
• Service Road for employees who have to drive a vehicle on the service road: this training is conducted entirely via e-learning training;
• Apron for employees who have to drive within aircraft parking areas and onto parking position access roads: theoretical training, conducted via e-learning, as well as a practical training that is carried out on site with Airport instructors;
• Peripheral Airport Areas for employees who have to drive on the Airport’s maintenance route and runway-related Obstacle Limitation Surfaces. Theoretical and practical training, carried out on site with Airport instructors;
• Manoeuvring Area for employees who have to drive onto the Airport’s runways and taxiways: theoretical and practical training, carried out on site with Airport instructors.
Below you will find a map of the airport platform with its different areas to help you select the right training.

Regulatory Information:
Attention: Every person whose airport ID card (airport badge) indicates the operational areas TRA and/or MAN must successfully complete the Ramp Safety training.
The correct order of the training courses must be followed. Before carrying out the next higher training level required for a traffic authorisation, the previous training level must be completed and validated.
Ramp Safety ; Service Road ; Apron ; Peripheral Airport Areas ; Manoeuvring Area.
When renewing/re-applying for authorisations, only the training for the respective last authorisation level must be completed, in addition to the basic Ramp Safety training.
EASA Regulations No. 2018/1139 and No. 139/2014 also clarify two points.
Concerning the validity of traffic authorisations
They are valid for a duration of two years and can be renewed.
However, if employees have not driven in the airport areas for which they hold a traffic authorisation for a longer period of time, the following is required:
- Three to 12 months without driving in the respective area: Mandatory refresh (theoretical questionnaire + practical part);
- More than 12 months without driving in the respective area: The training course must be completed again from scratch.
Concerning the proficiency in the French and English languages on the Manoeuvring Area
Since January 1, 2023, every employee working at the Airport within the Manoeuvring Area must speak French and be able to communicate fluently in this language.
Starting January 1, 2026, proficiency in English will be mandatory under the same conditions.
Our e-learning training courses are provided by the company HubSafe Training. Below, you will find information about how to schedule your trainings.
How can I schedule a training course with HubSafe Training?
To request online trainings provided by HubSafe, please send an e-mail to stating the desired training and the number of people to be trained.
In case of a high number of requests, HubSafe may offer to create a company account. This is done by submitting proof of your company's entry in the commercial register, which must not be older than 6 months, as well as a customer data sheet to be completed by your company.
fiche_client_hbtThe technical modalities will be explained to you during your first contact with HubSafe Training.
I have encountered a technical issue with HubSafe Training, what should I do?
Please report the issue to the following e-mail address:
Assistance can also be requested directly during an ongoing training session.
How can an airside traffic authorisation be requested/renewed?
Please send us your requests including the completed forms listed below and the required supporting documents:
- Copy of airport ID card (badge)
- Copy of driver’s licence
- Supporting documents confirming the successfully completed HubSafe training courses
- You can download the employer’s confirmation form here as an attachment.
After receiving and checking the documents, if necessary, the EuroAirport staff in charge will offer you appointments to complete your practical training, and will issue your traffic authorisation for the relevant airside areas. Traffic authorisations are sent via SharePoint e-mails (one per employee). Please remember to check your spam folder.
In the event of airside checks by local authorities, you may either print out your traffic authorisation and carry it inside the cover of your airport ID card or present it digitally via your cell phone.
In the event of disruptions of the Airport website or if you have any questions about the training courses for obtaining an airside traffic authorisation, please send an e-mail to the following address: .
Service road:
Driving authorisation application along with documents:
Demande d'autorisation de conduire Route de service
Initial training
Driving authorisation application along with documents:
Demande d'autorisation de conduire Aire de trafic - initiale
Refresher training
Driving authorisation application along with documents:
Demande d'autorisation de conduire Aire de trafic - recyclage
Manoeuvring areas (runways and taxiways):
Initial training
Driving authorisation application along with documents:
Demande d'autorisation de conduire Aire de manoeuvre - initiale
Refresher training
Driving authorisation application along with documents:
Demande d'autorisation de conduire Aire de manoeuvre - recyclage
Driving authorisation application along with documents:
Demande d'autorisation de conduire TRA-Périphérique-MAN